ESIC UDC 10 Day Mock Test Strategy
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ESIC UDC 10 Day Mock Test Strategy

Dear Candidates! Are some of you looking for a simple answer to this question? – ‘How to clear the upcoming ESIC UDC 2022 exam in first attempt?’ Maybe because you do not want to leave any stone unturned in preparing for the exam? Whatever the reason! Even if you have failed many times in the past! Even if this is your first try! This is possible! How? Revision! Good revision is the backbone of good results. Everyone wants success on the very first try! But success in ESIC UDC Exam comes with a combination of Planning, hard work, time management, and confidence.

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Want to clear the ESIC UDC 2022 Prelims exam in 1st attempt? Take the latest ESIC UDC Prelims 2022 Free Mock Test to know how you can achieve that success!

Now that the exams are just 10 days away (March 19th, 2022), you should put your hard work into your Revision! And in such a situation nothing is better than the latest exam-like Mock tests! Because they are the best tools that not only help you in quick revision but also boost your confidence.

Today, we’ll quickly throw light on the 10-day ESIC UDC 2022 Mock Tests strategy to help you cover all the sections and all the important topics from the syllabus one by one and be 100 % exam-ready. But before jumping on Let’s take a look at the ESIC UDC 2022 prelims exam pattern first:

Want to clear the ESIC UDC 2022 Prelims exam in 1st attempt? Take the latest ESIC UDC Prelims 2022 Free Mock Test to know how you can achieve that success!

ESIC UDC Phase 1 Prelims Exam Pattern

S. No.Name of the Test (ObjectiveTests)No. of QuestionsMax. MarksDuration
1General Intelligence and Reasoning25501 hour
(60 minutes)
2General Awareness2550
3Quantitative Aptitude2550
4English Comprehension2550

Note: The Total Duration to Complete the Exam Will Be 60 Minutes

Want to clear the ESIC UDC 2022 Prelims exam in 1st attempt? Take the latest ESIC UDC Prelims 2022 Free Mock Test to know how you can achieve that success!

ESIC UDC 2022- 10 Day Mock Test Plan

Given below is a table that will help you not only in revising all the important topics from the ESIC UD C 2022 syllabus but will also keep track of your progress via actual exam-like ESIC UDC Mock Tests that have given success to many candidates in the past:

DayTask 1Task 2Task 3
9 March*ESIC UDC Prelims Free Mock Test with in-depth AnalysisGeneral Awareness-Number Series
-Alphanumeric Series
10 MarchGeneral Awareness-Simplification
Reading Comprehension
11 March*Revise via 1st ESIC UDC 2022 Prelims Mock Test General Awareness-Grammar Rules
12 March-Order and Ranking
-Data Interpretation
-Bar Graph
Idioms and PhrasesGeneral Awareness
13 March-Inequality
Cloze TestRatio & Proportion  

*Revise via 2nd ESIC UDC 2022 Prelims Mock Test 
14 March-Permutation Combination
-Machine Input Output – General Awareness*Revise via 3rd ESIC UDC 2022 Prelims Mock Test
15 MarchVerbal Reasoning-RC (Reading Comprehension) -Vocabulary BuildingGeneral Awareness
16 March*Revise via 3rd ESIC UDC 2022 Prelims Mock Test -Average
-Problems on Age, Percentage
17 MarchCoding-Decoding
-Pie Chart
-DI (Data Interpretation)
-RC (Reading Comprehension) -Single & Double Fillers-Machine Input Output
-General Awareness  

*Revise via 4th ESIC UDC 2022 Prelims Mock Test 
18 MarchGeneral Awareness
-Profit & Loss
-Simple Interest
-Compound Interest
*Revise via 5th ESIC UDC 2022 Prelims Mock Test 

ESIC UDC 10 Day Mock Test Strategy: Subject-Wise Important Topics to cover

Given below are important topics that have been popping up in previous exams. You need can cover all the topics via the latest ESIC UDC Prelims Mock Tests right away!

I. ESIC UDC Prelims 2022-Important topics to cover for Quantitative Aptitude via Mock Tests

  1. Data Interpretation
  2. Number Series
  3. Simplification/Approximation
  4. Quadratic Equation
  5. Quantitative Comparison

Cover all the Important topics from the Quantitative Aptitude syllabus by taking the best ESIC UDC Prelims 2022 Mock Tests & clear the upcoming exam!

II. ESIC UDC Prelims 2022-Important topics to cover for General Intelligence and Reasoning via Mock Tests

  1. Analytical Reasoning
  2. Coding Decoding
  3. Syllogism
  4. Inequalities
  5. Puzzles/Seating Arrangement
  6. Blood Relation

Cover all the Important topics from the General Intelligence and Reasoning syllabus by taking the best ESIC UDC Prelims 2022 Mock Tests & clear the upcoming exam!

III. ESIC UDC Prelims 2022-Important topics to cover for English Comprehension via Mock Tests

  1. Reading Comprehension
  2. Correct usage
  3. Parajumbles
  4. Error detection
  5. Fill in the Blanks

Cover all the Important topics from the English Comprehension syllabus by taking the best ESIC UDC Prelims 2022 Mock Tests & clear the upcoming exam!

IV. ESIC UDC Prelims 2022-Important topics to cover for General Awareness via Mock Tests

Here are the topics that you need to cover to score maximum marks in the GA section:

  1. Capital and currency of countries
  2. The national park, dams, wildlife sanctuaries
  3. International organizations and their headquarters
  4. Dance and festival of the state
  5. Financial institution
  6. Sports 
  7. Appointments and obituaries
  8. Schemes, agreements, and MOUs
  9. Books and authors
  10. State and national affairs
  11. History
  12. Geography
  13. Polity
  14. Economy

Cover all the Important topics from the General Awareness syllabus by taking the best ESIC UDC Prelims 2022 Mock Tests & clear the upcoming exam!

Benefits of the Best ESIC UDC Prelims 2022 Mock Tests

Here are 5 benefits of taking’s epic ESIC UDC Prelims Mock Tests to improve your chances of clearing the upcoming Exam:

1.    ESIC UDC 2022 Prelims Mock tests show your strengths and weaknesses

You may be having strong points and weak points as well. The main purpose of Mock Tests is to tell you about your weak points so that you can work on them. It helps you in analyzing your weaknesses and instills confidence by showing your strengths. ESIC UDC 2022 Mocks show you exactly in which area or section you are weak in and which section is taking more time than the other ones.

For example, if you’re taking more time in solving questions on Mathematics, you can invest more of your time in improving your speed in solving those questions and devote comparatively less time to General Intelligence and Reasoning section.

Waiting for the ESIC UDC 2022 exam? Take the Best ESIC UDC 2022 Mock Tests & Clear the exam!

2.    ESIC UDC 2022 Prelims Mock Tests help you understand the syllabus and structure

When you give Mock Tests, you will see a realistic picture of the ESIC UDC 2022 Exam and you can prepare and improve accordingly.  You will get to know more clearly how questions are framed, their real sequence, the mark’s weightage, and more.

You will get to know the real structure of the Exam, with close to a real situation you will be going to face in the actual ESIC UDC 2022 Exam.

Waiting for the ESIC UDC 2022 exam? Take the Best ESIC UDC 2022 Mock Tests & Clear the exam!

3.     ESIC UDC 2022 Prelims Mocks inject speed and accuracy into your performance

Time constraint is one of the biggest challenges in the ESIC UDC Exam. You have little time to answer lots of tough and tricky questions. Mock Tests come in handy in countering these very challenges. As you may have to solve many questions related to Maths, Reasoning, and Grammar, your practice with Mock Test will inject time and accuracy to your skills and you can solve the questions quickly.

Waiting for the ESIC UDC 2022 exam? Take the Best ESIC UDC 2022 Mock Tests & Clear the exam!

4.     ESIC UDC 2022 Prelims Mock Tests keep track of your progress

Mock Tests are the only live device to actually know whether all your skills are up to the mark or not. It helps you to make changes in your strategies, in case there are defects in them and if they are not helping your progress. It teaches you to have to play safely in the ESIC UDC Prelims exam, what to do, and what to avoid with speed.

You can make changes in your strategy accordingly. Keep taking Mock Tests after regular intervals to check your progress and preparation.

Waiting for the ESIC UDC 2022 exam? Take the Best ESIC UDC Prelims 2022 Mock Tests & Clear the exam!

 Last ESIC UDC 2022 Prelims Mock Tests for Best Revision

If you want to clear the ESIC UDC Prelims 2022 Mock Tests on the very first attempt, you should start taking Mock Tests from the very beginning of your exam preparation. It will reveal your strengths and flaws and help you in quick improvement, resulting in sure-shot success if you are really serious about your success! 

Take a Free ESIC UDC Prelims 2022 Mock Test to see how brilliantly it can help your competitive journey!

ESIC UDC 10 Day Mock Test Strategy

    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

By Asad Yar Khan

I write and oversee the creation of informative educational blogs centering around study strategies, exam techniques, and more, to guide aspirants in clearing SSC, banking, engineering, and other competitive exams. I ensure a range of subjects are covered with precision and clarity. With over 7 years of diverse writing experience, I share a wealth of wisdom and expertise with thousands of students, through PracticeMock every day, helping them achieve their goals.

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