ESIC MTS 2022 Free Mock Test
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ESIC MTS 2022 Free Mock Test:

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ESIC MTS Prelims Exam Pattern

SectionsNo. of Qs.Marks
General Intelligence and Reasoning2550
General Awareness2550
Quantitative Aptitude2550
English Comprehension2550

ESIC MTS Mains Exam Pattern

SectionsNo. of Qs.Marks
General Intelligence and Reasoning5050
General Awareness5050
Quantitative Aptitude5050
English Comprehension5050
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ESIC MTS Syllabus 2022

After taking a close look at the ESIC MTS Exam Pattern 2022, you should note down the various topics that make up the ESIC MTS Exam Pattern 2022. There are specifically 4 subjects in both the ESIC MTS prelims and ESIC MTS Mains exam 2022.

Given below is the subject-wise ESIC MTS Syllabus:

ESIC MTS 2022 Syllabus-Reasoning Ability

The Reasoning Ability section is the first section that is part of both the Prelims and mains Exam. The Reasoning Ability Section is divided into 2 parts, Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning.

Verbal Reasoning: The topics covered under verbal reasoning under ESIC MTS Syllabus are as follows-

  1. Analogy
  2. Series Completion
  3. Situation Reaction Test
  4. Direction Sense Test
  5. Verification of truth of the Statement
  6. Classification
  7. Assertion and Reasoning
  8. Arithmetical Reasoning
  9. Data Sufficiency
  10. Alpha-Numeric Sequence Puzzle
  11. Puzzle Test
  12. Blood Relations
  13. Coding-Decoding
  14. Operations of Mathematics
  15. Missing Characters
  16. Sequential Output training
  17. Directions
  18. Test on Alphabets
  19. Venn Diagrams
  20. Word Sequence
  21. Eligibility Test

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Non-Verbal Reasoning: The topics covered under the non-verbal reasoning section under ESIC MTS Syllabus are as follows-

  1. Dot Situation
  2. Identical figure groupings
  3. Forming figures and analysis
  4. Series
  5. Analytical Reasoning
  6. Paper Folding
  7. Cubes and Dice
  8. Water Images
  9. Construction of Squares and Triangles
  10. Paper Cutting
  11. Mirror Images
  12. Spotting embedded figures
  13. Classification
  14. Rules Detection
  15. Figure Matrix
  16. Completion Incomplete Pattern

ESIC MTS Syllabus 2022-General Awareness

Given below are all the topics that you need to cover to counter the General Awareness section in the upcoming ESIC MTS Syllabus Exam 2022:

  1. Finance Commissions
  2. Taxes on Income and Expenditure
  3. Financial and Railway Budget
  4. Revenue of Central Government
  5. Economic Planning
  6. Inflation
  7. National Income
  8. Public Finance
  9. Bills
  10. Concept of Budget
  11. Schemes and Policies implemented by Government
  12. Indian Banking Industry History
  13. Functions of Banks
  14. Types of Banks
  15. RBI and its Monetary Policy
  16. Capital market in India
  17. Money Market in India
  18. Role of Banking

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ESIC MTS Syllabus – English

The English section of the ESIC MTS Syllabus has been added to check whether the candidate has basic English knowledge or not. As it is a universally accepted language.

  1. Spellings/Detecting Mis-spelt words
  2. Common Error
  3. Active/Passive Voice of Verbs
  4. Comprehension Passage
  5. Cloze Passage
  6. Fill in the Blanks
  7. Shuffling of Sentence parts
  8. Conversions
  9. Sentence Rearrangement
  10. Grammar
  11. Shuffling of Sentences in a passage
  12. Improvement of Sentences
  13. Synonyms/Homonyms
  14. Antonyms
  15. Vocabulary
  16. Idioms & Phrases
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ESIC MTS Syllabus – General Intelligence

The General Intelligence section of the ESIC MTS Syllabus is to checks the level of intelligence and the candidate’s presence of mind.

  1. Number Ranking
  2. Figurative Classification
  3. Classification
  4. Blood Relations
  5. Arrangements
  6. Arithmetical Reasoning
  7. Mathematical Operations
  8. Venn diagrams
  9. Number Series
  10. Figural Pattern
  11. Cubes and Dice
  12. Analogies
  13. Non-Verbal Series
  14. Coding-Decoding
  15. Logical Venn Diagrams
  16. Directions
  17. Number, Ranking & Time Sequence

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ESIC MTS Syllabus – Quantitative Aptitude

The quantitative Aptitude section will entertain questions from basic mathematics taught up to class 10th. Here are the topics you need to cover to counter the quantitative aptitude section:

  1. Simple Equations
  2. Quadratic Equations
  3. Mensuration
  4. Odd Man Out
  5. Numbers and Ages
  6. Pipes and Cisterns
  7. Percentages
  8. Areas
  9. Time and Distance
  10. Problems on Trains
  11. Indices and Surds
  12. Time and Work Partnership
  13. Ratio and Proportion
  14. Simple Interest
  15. Probability
  16. Races and Games
  17. Mixtures and Allegations
  18. Boats and Streams
  19. Averages
  20. Problems on L.C.M and H.C.F
  21. Problems on Numbers
  22. Compound Interest
  23. Volumes Profit and Loss
  24. Permutations and Combinations
  25. Simplification and Approximation
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