7-Month Strategy to Crack RBI Grade B 2024
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Cracking the RBI Grade B exam is a challenging task that requires a lot of effort, dedication, and a well-planned strategy. To help you prepare effectively for the 2024 exam, here’s a detailed 7-month plan that covers all the essential aspects of the exam:

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RBI Grade B Phase 1 Paper Pattern 2023

English Language303025 mins
Numerical Ability303025 mins
Reasoning Ability606045 mins
General Awareness808025 mins
Total200 Questions200 Marks120 Mins

RBI Grade B Phase 2 Exam Pattern

SectionsQuestionsMarksTime Duration
Paper I: Economic and Social Issues: 50% Objective+50% Descriptive30 Objective Questions6 Descriptive (4 Needs to be Answered)100120 Mins
Paper II: English Writing Skills310090 Mins
Paper III: Finance & Management50% Objective+50% Descriptive30 Objective Questions6 Descriptive (4 Needs to be Answered)100120 Mins

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Kickstart RBI Grade B Preparation Journey to Crack Exam in 1st Attempt

Month 1: In the first month, it’s crucial to lay a strong foundation by clearing your concepts of all the topics. Start with the basics of quantitative aptitude, reasoning, and English language sections. Make sure you understand the core concepts and formulas thoroughly.

Month 2: In the second month, begin practicing mock tests to assess your performance. Analyze your test results and identify your weak areas. Work on improving your speed and accuracy by practicing more questions from your weaker areas.

Month 3: In the third month, focus more on the general awareness section. Stay updated with current affairs by reading newspapers, online content and magazines. Make a habit of reading the news daily and making notes of important events and facts. This will help you develop a better understanding of the world around you.

Month 4: In the fourth month, focus on revising the topics you’ve covered so far. Make notes and revise them regularly. Practicing questions from previous years’ papers and sample papers can also be helpful in strengthening your concepts.

Target RBI Grade B 2024: Signup to Take a FREE Mock to Know your AIR

Month 5: In the fifth month, start practicing more previous year’s question papers and sample papers. Candidates get familiar with questions format. Keep practicing until you are comfortable with all the topics and types of questions.

Month 6: In the sixth month, take more mock tests and analyze your performance. Focus on improving your time management skills and learn to prioritize the questions based on their difficulty level. Regular practice will help you build your confidence and perform better on exam day.

Month 7: In the final month, revise all the topics you’ve covered so far, and practice more mock tests. Pay special attention to the sections you find challenging. Also, focus on your health and well-being to stay calm and focused during the exam. Make sure you get enough sleep, eat healthy food, and exercise regularly.

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The above 7-month plan is a comprehensive guide to help you crack the RBI Grade B exam in 2024. Remember to stay consistent and disciplined throughout the preparation period, and don’t forget to take regular breaks to avoid burnout. With hard work and perseverance, you can achieve your dream of becoming an RBI Grade B officer. Good luck!ing task that requires a lot of effort, dedication, and a well-planned strategy.

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