I used to make a to-do-list for every single day says Rupali Panchra- Cleared IBPS PO, RRB PO & IBPS Clerk

Today, we have Rupali Panchra with us who wanted to discuss and share her success story. She has cleared RRB PO, IBPS Clerk and IBPS PO exams. She started her exam preparation in June 2019 and finally cleared these exams in the year 2020. According to her the level of mock tests give us the real exam feel. She has shared her exam wise preparation strategy in detail that we are mentioning below. So, those who have already started preparing for the upcoming exams this year must give it a read.

Rupali Panchra’s Success Story

I started my preparations in June 2019 and finally got selected in IBPS PO 2020, RRB PO 2020 and IBPS Clerk 2020. I had also appeared for SBI PO 2020 but I couldn’t qualify for the interview. Although I qualified other examinations after that.

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Section-wise Preparation Strategy

English Section Preparation Strategy

I had a good command over the language so all I had to do was to continue reading whatever I could. I repeat reading is the key in this section. Also solve as many questions as you can. Eventually you will notice a significant improvement.

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Quantitative Aptitude Section Preparation Strategy

First things first : Get a good hold on the basics. One must memorise tables (1-20) , squares (1-50) , cubes (1-20) , percentage to fraction conversion (1 – 1/20) , etc. Unless one has a good command over the basics he/she would face difficulty in solving the questions quickly.

Arithmetic : Chose a particular topic and then learn how to approach the problem because short tricks are not applicable everywhere as each question is different and so is the concept used there. Do not skip arithmetic because without arithmetic one can indeed qualify prelims but would get stuck in the mains examination.

Data Interpretation (DI) : Practice at least 3-5 DI sets daily and then gradually increase the difficulty level each day.

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Reasoning Section Preparation Strategy

Focus on the one liners questions as these are often ignored by candidates. Brush up your concepts of topics like Syllogism , Inequalities , Alphanumeric series , Order and Ranking , Data sufficiency , etc. Also, practice 5 puzzles daily and then gradually increase the level. A quick tip : In the mains examinations it is very common that we find questions that seem new to us and we just skip them without even reading them , but I suggest you to hit on those questions first because though they appear to be tricky but in reality they are the easiest ones to fetch marks. (Trust me on this. I have mentioned this here because of my personal experiences).

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General Awareness Section Preparation Strategy

I prepared daily notes for current affairs using a video source and an app source. I would recommend the candidates to use 2 sources for current affairs – one must be a video source and another must be a website or app providing daily one liners. By using 2 sources, all the news would get covered easily. Also prepare notes on banking awareness well in advance as they will come handy during the mains examinations.

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Overall Strategy, Study Schedule & Challenges Faced

I used to make a to-do-list for every single day. My daily schedule comprised of picking each subject one by one and completing the target assigned. Also don’t neglect the importance of attempting mock tests as they help us in analyzing our position with respect to the people out there.

It is well said that no pains no gains which holds true in every sphere of life and so is true in this case. The biggest hurdle I faced was anxiety and I used to overcome it by taking breaks as and when required.

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How did PracticeMock help you?

The mock tests and quizzes provided by PracticeMock proved to be of great help. The level of mock tests give us the real exam feel.

Message to the Fellow Aspirants

My message to each candidate would be to never give up and no matter how crazy the situations become always find a way to sail through it.

This is what Rupali has to say regarding her success. She clearly suggests that one should never give up no matter how tough the situations get. She thoroughly practiced and created a daily scheduled which she religiously followed. To check out more success stories, visit here.

Cheena Sawhney

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