The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary July 11 2020 Day 323
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Hindu Editorial Vocabulary July 11 2020: Embark on a linguistic exploration with The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary from July 11, 2020. Unraveling the intricacies of language enriches your communication skills and aids in tackling language-centric exams.

Lexical Gems Unveiled in the Editorial

  1. Sycophancy (Noun):
    • The editorial may introduce ‘sycophancy,’ referring to excessive flattery. Understanding this term provides insight into discussions about relationships and interactions.
  2. Obfuscate (Verb):
    • Encounter ‘obfuscate,’ a term often used to describe the act of making something unclear or difficult to understand. Grasping its nuances enhances your ability to dissect complex topics.
  3. Quixotic (Adjective):
    • Delve into ‘quixotic,’ a term alluding to unrealistic and impractical pursuits. Recognizing this term enriches your understanding of critiques on certain endeavors.
  4. Ebullient (Adjective):
    • ‘Ebullient’ might surface, describing someone cheerful and full of energy. Familiarity with this term aids in capturing the positive or energetic tone of the editorial.
  5. Ineffable (Adjective):
    • Explore ‘ineffable,’ denoting something too great or extreme to be expressed in words. Understanding its usage adds layers to your comprehension of profound subjects.

Strategies for Effective Vocabulary Integration

  1. Contextual Application:
    • Grasp how words are used in specific contexts within the editorial. This application-oriented approach solidifies your understanding.
  2. Regular Usage:
    • Integrate new words into your daily language to enhance retention and natural usage.
  3. Create Vocabulary Journals:
    • Maintain a journal with new words, their meanings, and sample sentences. This visual aid reinforces your learning.
  4. Flashcards for Recall:
    • Employ flashcards for quick recall. Write the word on one side and its definition or usage on the other for efficient memorization.
  5. Holistic Reading Approach:
    • Diversify your reading sources to encounter a diverse range of vocabulary. This exposes you to various linguistic styles and expressions.


Engaging with The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary from July 11, 2020, is a journey that not only enhances your language proficiency but also deepens your understanding of diverse subjects. Integrating these words into your daily communication contributes to effective expression and prepares you for language-oriented examinations.

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