
Tips to Score 85 in SBI Clerk 2020 Prelims

Securing a score of 85 or above in the State Bank of India (SBI) Clerk 2020 Preliminary exam is a significant goal for aspirants aiming to join one of the country’s leading public sector banks. The SBI Clerk Prelims is a highly competitive exam, testing candidates on their quantitative aptitude, reasoning ability, and English language skills. Achieving a good score requires a strategic approach and dedicated preparation. In this article, we will discuss various tips and strategies to help you attain a score of 85 or higher in the SBI Clerk 2020 Preliminary exam.

Understand the Exam Pattern and Syllabus

The first step towards achieving a high score in any examination is to thoroughly understand the exam pattern and syllabus. For the SBI Clerk Prelims 2020, the exam is divided into three sections: English Language, Numerical Ability, and Reasoning Ability. Each section carries a specific weightage of marks. Knowing the number of questions, the time duration, and the topics covered in each section will give you a clear roadmap for your preparation.

Develop a Well-Structured Study Plan

Creating a well-structured study plan is crucial for effective preparation. Allocate sufficient time to each section based on your strengths and weaknesses. Focus on understanding the concepts, practicing regularly, and gradually increasing the level of difficulty. Make sure to set achievable short-term and long-term goals and adhere to your study plan diligently.

Strengthen Your Basics

To score well in the SBI Clerk Prelims, it’s essential to have a strong foundation in the fundamental concepts of each subject. Brush up on your basic mathematical operations, grammar rules, and reasoning techniques. Understand the various types of questions that can be asked and the approach to solving them. Once your basics are solid, you can attempt more complex problems with confidence.

Practice Regularly with Mock Tests

One of the most effective ways to prepare for the SBI Clerk Prelims is to practice with mock tests and previous year question papers. Mock tests simulate the actual exam environment and help you assess your preparation level. Analyze your performance after each mock test to identify your strengths and weaknesses. Work on improving your weaker areas and learn time-management strategies to solve questions within the stipulated time.

Time Management is Key

Time management is crucial in any competitive exam, and the SBI Clerk Prelims is no exception. Devote specific time slots for each section while practicing. During the actual exam, manage your time wisely by not spending too much time on a single question. If a question seems difficult, move on and come back to it later if time permits.

Work on Speed and Accuracy

Apart from mastering the concepts, work on enhancing your speed and accuracy. Practice solving questions quickly without compromising on accuracy. This can be achieved through regular practice and solving a variety of problems. Utilize shortcuts and tricks for calculations and problem-solving to save time during the exam.

Develop a Reading Habit

The English Language section demands a good command of vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension skills. Develop a habit of reading newspapers, magazines, and books regularly. This will not only improve your vocabulary but also enhance your reading speed and comprehension. Additionally, it will help you stay updated with current affairs, which is beneficial for both the exam and your general knowledge.

Focus on Strengths, Improve Weaknesses

Identify your strengths and weaknesses in each section and focus on maximizing your strengths. However, do not ignore your weaknesses. Work on improving them by dedicating extra time and effort. Seek guidance from teachers, online resources, or fellow aspirants to clarify doubts and understand difficult concepts.

Stay Calm and Confident

Maintaining a calm and confident mindset is essential during the exam. Trust your preparation and believe in yourself. Avoid last-minute cramming, and instead, revise what you have learned. Get adequate sleep and eat a healthy meal before the exam to keep your mind fresh and focused.

Seek Guidance and Clarify Doubts

If you face challenges in understanding certain topics or concepts, do not hesitate to seek guidance. Join coaching classes or online tutorials that provide expert guidance. Engage in discussion forums with fellow aspirants to share knowledge and clear doubts. It’s essential to have a support system to keep you motivated and on track with your preparation.


Scoring 85 or above in the SBI Clerk 2020 Preliminary exam is achievable with a disciplined approach, dedicated effort, and the right strategy. Understanding the exam pattern, creating a structured study plan, focusing on basics, practicing regularly, managing time efficiently, and staying confident are key elements to succeed. With consistent practice, continuous learning, and a positive mindset, you can significantly enhance your chances of scoring well in the SBI Clerk Prelims and realizing your dream of working with the State Bank of India.

Sweta Singh

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