Nainital Bank Clerk Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2024
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The Nainital Bank Limited has released the Nainital Bank Clerk Recruitment 2024 Notification announcing 25 posts. The Nainital Bank Clerk online application process has started and the last date apply for the exam is 22nd December 2024. Candidates who want to compete in the 2024 exam should be well-versed with the latest Nainital Bank Clerk Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2024. The syllabus will help candidates clear the online written examination as well as the interview round. The exam is going to be an objective-type MCQs-based test having 200 questions worth 200 marks. In this article, we’ll shed light on the Nainital Bank Clerk Syllabus and Exam Pattern, including the marking scheme, sectional weightage, and type of questions asked in the exam.

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Nainital Bank Clerk Syllabus 2024

According to the Nainital Bank Clerk Syllabus 2024, the candidates will be tested in subjects like Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, English Language, General Awareness, and Computer Knowledge. They will be required to answer a total of 200 questions. Check out the table below to know all the topics that are part of all the sections of the exam.

Sr. No.SubjectsNainital Bank Clerk Syllabus (Topic Wise)
1.Quantitative AptitudeMixture & Allegations
Time and Work & Pipes and Cisterns
Speed, Time & Distance (Train, Boats & Stream)
Number System & Simplification
Time and Work
Algebraic Expressions and Inequalities
Profit and Loss
Number System
Speed, Distance, and Time
Simple & Compound Interest
Ratio and Proportion & Partnership
Data Interpretation
Number Series
2.ReasoningNumber, Ranking & Time Sequence
Deriving Conclusions from Passages
Logical Sequence of Words
Alphabet Test Series
Arithmetical Reasoning
Situation Reaction Test
Direction Sense Test
Data Sufficiency
Clocks & Calendars
Statement – Conclusions
Logical Venn Diagrams
Statement – Arguments
Inserting the Missing Character
Alpha-Numeric Sequence Puzzle
3.English LanguageReading Comprehension
Jumbled Sentence
Phrase Replacement
Sentence Improvement
Cloze Test
Fill in the Blanks
Error Spotting
Find out the Error
Identify the Sentence Pattern
Fill in the blanks (Infinitive, Gerund, Participle)
Select the correct Plural forms
Identify the Sentence
Select the correct Question Tag
One Word Substitution
Active Voice and Passive Voice
Direct and Indirect Speech
Select the correct Voice
Select the correct Tense
Choose the correct Synonyms
Select the correct word (Prefix, Suffix)
Fill in the blanks with a suitable Article
Form a new word by blending the words
Form compound words
British English – American English
4.General AwarenessCurrent Affairs – National & International
Current Important Events
Awards and Honors
Banking News
Important Financial & Economic News
Science – Inventions & Discoveries
Indian Constitution
Sports and Games
Books and Authors
Important Days
5.Computer KnowledgeComputer Hardware
Operating System
MS Word
MS Excel
MS PowerPoint
Internet Usage
Computer Software

Nainital Bank Clerk Exam Pattern 2024

The Nainital Bank Clerk notification mentions the selection process of the Nainital Bank Clerk Recruitment Process 2024. The exam will have 2 stages called:

  • Online Written Examination.
  • Interview.

Candidates who clear the online written test will get the opportunity to face the Interview. Check out the Nainital Bank Clerk Exam Pattern:

Stage 1: Online Written Examination

Take a look at the online exam pattern illustrating the total number of sections, the number of questions asked in each section, the maximum marks they carry, and the time duration:

Sr. No.Name of the TestNumber of QuestionsMaximum MarksTime DurationVersion
1.Reasoning404035 MinutesEnglish Only
2.English Language404035 MinutesEnglish Only
3.General Awareness (with special reference to Banking)404020 MinutesEnglish Only
4.Computer Knowledge404020 MinutesEnglish Only
5.Quantitative Aptitude404035 MinutesEnglish Only
Total200200145 Minutes


  • Total Questions: 200
  • Marking: 1 mark for each correct answer, -0.25 for each wrong answer.
  • Language: English Only
  • Section-wise Time: As per the above table.

Stage 2: Interview

After clearing the online written exam, the candidates will have to face the interview stage. In the personality test/interview, the personality traits, and conversational skills of the candidates will be tested. In the end, the final merit list of the selected candidates will be created by the Nainital Bank based on the marks fetched by them in both the online written exam and the interview round. The final merit list will be announced together with the final Nainital Bank Clerk Results. Therefore, candidates must start covering the syllabus with full force and stay ahead.

Tips for Preparing for the Nainital Bank Clerk Recruitment Exam 2024

It is important to follow the best practices to keep improving while preparing for the exam and get ready for the exam with confidence. Here are the best tips that you should follow to achieve success in the upcoming exam:

1. Get Familiar with the Syllabus and Examination Model

  • Make sure you are aware of all the syllabus and study material, which you need to cover throughout the preparation period.
  • Know the structure of questions and the types of questions.
  • Pay more attention to the most scoring topics.

2. Create a Timetable 

  • It is also important to schedule your study properly.
  • Distribute time according to the weightage of each topic.
  • Give more importance to the scoring topics but equal attention to all the sections of the syllabus and sufficient attention to all the topics in them.

3. Make Self Notes

  • Make brief but effective notes that may be easily revised.
  • Drawing circles around significant points and over formulas. 
  • Quick reference should be done using bullets to make it easier to read.

4. Regular Revision

  • Repeat topics often so they may be easily recalled.
  • The last tip is to dedicate some days before the exam for revision.
  • You also need to focus on the strengths as well as the weaknesses.

5. Analyze Previous Papers

  • Refer to the questions of previous years’ exams. 
  • Find out the topics that frequently pop up in the exam. 
  • Solve them within the specific time constraints so that you understand how it feels.

6. Take Nainital Bank Clerk 2024 Mock Tests

  • Practice as many practice tests as possible. 
  • Prepare for your real examination settings as much as possible. 
  • Keep track of your progress and make necessary changes.
  • Take a Free Mock Test to speed up your preparation like never before.

7. Evaluate & Improve

  • To perform well and achieve your study goals, analyze the result after every mock test. 
  • Work on areas that are considered weak.
  • For better performance make sure to go through the mistakes that you made and try to avoid committing them again.

8. Do Multiple Revisions

  1. Review the whole syllabus many times. 
  2. Revise as per your strengths and weaknesses.
  3. Make sure, you cover the course up to the last day before the exam.

9. Prepare for Interview

  1. Start preparing for the interview as early as possible so that you can get ready for the interview.
  2. Give as many mock interviews as possible.
  3. Practice frequently asked interview questions and responses.


What subjects are covered in the Nainital Bank Clerk syllabus 2024?

The syllabus includes Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, English, General Awareness, and Computer Knowledge.

How Many Sections are in Nainital Bank Clerk Exam Pattern 2024?

The exam has 200 objective questions across 5 sections, with a total duration of 145 minutes. Correct answers earn +1 mark, and wrong answers incur a -0.25 penalty.

What is the selection process?

The selection includes an online written exam followed by an interview.

How can candidates prepare for the exam?

Candidates should review the syllabus, create a study plan, practice with mock tests, and revise regularly.

    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years of stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he transforms into a professional sleepyhead, devours books, and is an outdoor enthusiast.

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