IBPS SO Cut Off 2023

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In the competitive landscape of banking exams in India, the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) Specialist Officer (SO) examination holds a special place. The IBPS SO exam is conducted to recruit candidates for various specialized roles in banks, such as IT Officer, Marketing Officer, Law Officer, Agricultural Officer, HR/Personnel Officer, and Rajbhasha Adhikari. One crucial aspect that aspirants eagerly await is the IBPS SO cut-off, as it determines their progression in the selection process.

Understanding IBPS SO Cut Off:

The IBPS SO cut-off is the minimum score that candidates must secure to qualify for the next stage of the recruitment process. It is important to note that the cut-off varies for each category (General, OBC, SC, ST, and PwD) and is determined based on factors like the number of vacancies, difficulty level of the exam, and the overall performance of candidates.

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IBPS SO Prelims Cut off 2022

I.T. OFFICER61.8855.8865.0065.0065.0029.1355.8849.1325.50
AGRICULTURAL FIELD OFFICER17.7517.7517.7517.7517.7514.31.7533.3815.75
RAJBHASHA ADHIKARI22.5011.1322.5022.3822.50NA24.2533.5027.25
LAW OFFICER46.3851.0047.5048.5051.0027.6322.8825.5035.25
HR/PERSONNEL 40.5037.5040.5040.5040.50NA27.7547.5050.88
MARKETING OFFICER38.6338.6338.6333.1338.6335.8824.5036.3864.13

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IBPS SO Mains Cut Off 2022

IT Officer (Scale I)10.251113.2513.7513.751511.7517.2514
Agriculture Field Officer (Scale I)2722.2527.5027.5027.5019.752724.5020.75
Rajbhasha Adhikari (Scale I)27.7525.2527.7527.7527.75NANANANA
Law officer (Scale I)26.2526.2519.2521.2526.25NA17.5016.7518
HR/Personnel Officer (Scale I)1612.5020.7521.5021.50NA12.5022.5028.25
Marketing Officer (Scale I)21.751922.502022.7525.2517.2518.25NA

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IBPS SO Prelims Cut Off 2021 (Out of 125)

IT Officer66.2554.6366.38 66.38 64.50
Agricultural Field Officer21.2521.2521.2521.2521.25
Rajbhasha Adhikari19.8817.2520.13 20.1318
Law Officer40.2533 42 42.3834.63
HR/Personnel Officer40.5040.50 40.5040.5038.75
Marketing Officer2423.63 24 2424

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IBPS SO Cut Off 2021- Mains

IT Officer (Scale I)10.506.256.2510.259.506.
Agriculture Field Officer (Scale I)27.7527.7523.7527.7527.7518.7525.7525.2519.25
Rajbhasha Adhikari (Scale I)23.2523.2522.2523.2523.25NA19.5030.75NA
Law officer (Scale I)17.7513.5013.5013.5017.25NA19.5013.75NA
HR/Personnel Officer (Scale I)23.7523.2522.5023.7523.75NA16.5018.5025.00
Marketing Officer (Scale I)16.2516.2516.2516.2516.2513.0016.7512.5013.25

Factors Influencing IBPS SO Cut Off:

  1. Number of Vacancies: The cut-off is directly proportional to the number of vacancies available. If the number of vacancies is high, the cut-off might be relatively lower, and vice versa.
  2. Difficulty Level of Exam: The difficulty level of the question paper plays a crucial role in determining the cut-off. If the exam is more challenging, the cut-off tends to be lower to ensure a fair evaluation.
  3. Candidate Performance: The overall performance of candidates also influences the cut-off. If a large number of candidates score exceptionally well, the cut-off may be higher.
  4. Category-wise Distribution: As the cut-off is category-specific, the distribution of candidates among various categories affects the cut-off for each category.
  5. Normalization Process: In multi-shift exams, a normalization process is applied to equate the difficulty level across different shifts. This process ensures a fair evaluation of candidates, but it can also impact the cut-off.

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Understanding Sectional and Overall Cut-Off:

In the IBPS SO exam, there are both sectional and overall cut-offs. Candidates need to secure the minimum qualifying marks in each section (Professional Knowledge, Reasoning, English, General Awareness, and Quantitative Aptitude) and also meet the overall cut-off to move to the subsequent stages of the selection process.

Tips for Aspirants:

  1. Thorough Preparation: Understanding the exam pattern, and syllabus, and practicing the previous year’s question papers are crucial for effective preparation.
  2. Time Management: Since the exam is time-bound, effective time management is essential. Practice solving questions within the stipulated time to enhance your speed and accuracy.
  3. Category-wise Analysis: Analyze the previous year’s cut-offs for your category to get an idea of the expected cut-off. This can help in setting realistic goals.
  4. Consistent Revision: Regular revision is key to retaining information. Create a revision schedule to revisit important topics regularly.


The IBPS SO cut-off acts as a gateway for aspirants to enter specialized roles in the banking sector. Understanding the factors influencing the cut-off and adopting a strategic approach to preparation can significantly enhance the chances of success. Aspirants should view the cut-off not just as a hurdle but as a benchmark to showcase their proficiency in the chosen field.

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